6 Aug

The Legend of Grimrock is pretty old-school guys… MackTen’s First Look in Five!

Does anyone remember those really, and I mean really, old MS-DOS first person RPGs? I vaguely remember playing these primitive-seeming dungeon crawlers on my father’s Gateway 2000 while I was growing up, and the good folks at Almost Human Games are paying a worthy tribute to the genre. 


The Legend of Grimrock is a first-person dungeon-crawling RPG that is available on Steam. I was lucky enough to find this little gem during the Steam Summer Sale at a healthy discount. The game features a four person party and is loaded with puzzles and from what I’ve seen the monster encounters are quite difficult, though I did not have any during my introduction video. Please keep in mind that this video is literally the first time that I had ever ran the program, and I am exploring the game alongside the viewer. If you have any questions, feel free to leave me feedback in the video’s comments on it’s YouTube page. Thanks for watching, and don’t forget to subscribe!



Click here to view this video on it’s YouTube page.

4 Aug

Why I am still cautiously optimistic about Diablo III, and you should be too!

The RMAH is going slower than ever and numbers seem to be declining in the world of Sanctuary. People are constantly complaining about issues big and small, from latency to class balance. However, there seems to be some light at the end of the tunnel. 

So let’s face it: Blizzard is dragging it’s ass on Diablo III. The game was released extremely late and was, at the same time, not yet finished. However, through all of our complaints Blizzard seems to be making a serious attempt to try and pull itself together over Diablo III. New interface changes are coming, improved Auction House UI, and a larger pool of stats to choose from when searching for an item. My greatest hope is that these changes keep people playing our game, and encourage those who had give up to return and give the game a second chance, at least after PvP is released.

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Click here to watch this video on it’s YouTube page.


31 Jul

Co-op Party Scaling in Path of Exile | Monster Life, Experience, Loot and Flasks

In this series I look at the game mechanics of Path of Exile, and Indie A-RPG that really has some amazing gameplay elements to show off. This time I take a look at how party scaling works in PoE.

In Path of Exile you can have a party of up to six players and each additional person beyond the first has a scaling effect on each instance you enter. These effects are essentially an increase in potential difficulty and rewards. The increase in the actual difficulty you have is dependant on how well your party synergizes and works together to clear the content. Diverse parties with stacking auras may have a much easier time with scaled content than a less diverse, and less cooperative party – despite the actual scaling being the same.

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28 Jul

MackTen is giving away five freaking DotA 2 beta keys!

That’s right, I’m giving away five DotA 2 beta invites to ONE lucky individual. One lucky person out there will be bringing an entire team of their friends into the DotA 2 closed beta!


Hey everybody, MackTen here. This time I’m hosting another contest for DotA 2 beta invites, however this time there are two huge differences between this contest and the last one. First, I’m not giving one person a pair of DotA 2 beta keys, I’m giving one person five DotA 2 beta invites. Second, this is not a lottery. The winner of these five beta keys will be chosen not through luck, but through creativity!

I have long since wanted to start a weekly YouTube show about DotA 2. You can find more information about my background and experience with DotA 2 in the video below, but long story short I want to start a weekly YouTube series about DotA 2 that would be either roughly five minutes or roughly ten minutes long. My internet is pretty terrible so it would not be a live show, as the quality of the video and sound would be pretty terrible. It could be anything from a DotA 2 news show, to a weekly show that talks about a certain hero or a certain element of the game. It could even be weekly podcast if getting the chosen names would be somewhat feasible. Anyway, let me know your suggestions in the YouTube comments for this video, cheers!



Click here to watch this video on it’s YouTube page.

22 Jul

How I maximize my gold-to-real-money exchange on Diablo III’s RMAH; Evil Money Episode 6!

On today’s episode of Evil Money, I talk about a little bit about Mike Morhaime’s letter, and I express my hopes about it reviving Diablo III’s RMAH. I also discuss the best ways to get the maximum amount of real money for one’s gold, and to do this in a manner that is even faster than selling the gold!


In today’s episode of Evil Money I discuss different methods through which I am currently making gold on the RMAH, and then I go into detail about how I am turning this gold into a much larger amount of real money than most. The most I think that I have gotten is about seven dollars for a million gold! It can’t be done all of the time, but it’s a neat trick that I am constantly working on improving.

I have and continue to make between ten and thirty dollars per week playing Diablo III’s RMAH, and I spend about 15 minutes per week, total, logging in to check on my auctions. However, I think you’d best check out Evil Money if you want the full story! Thanks for watching, and do watch it on YouTube’s website if you feel so inclined…



***Click here to watch this episode of Evil Money on it’s YouTube page***

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