Buy Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon via Digital Download for Under €6.99!

20 May 2013 by ZiggyD, No Comments »

Thanks to the guys over at DirectGameCards I have a special code to give out to any of you who want to buy the PC version of Farcry 3: Blood Dragon on the cheap. 

Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon is an ‘expand-alone’ game built from the Far Cry engine. This sort of set up is pretty new in the gaming industry (the last example I can remember was Red Dead Redemption Zombies) and it means you don’t need the original game to play the expand-alone. Basically you get a self contained campaign in a different setting to Far Cry 3 and it only costs a fraction of the price. It’s smart business for developers and us gamers get cheap ‘almost new’ games to play.

So here’s how you can get it even cheaper: Head on over to DirectGameCards using the link below:

Add the game to your cart and then type in the code “ZiggyDragon” without the quotation marks for an added discount off the price listed. For non Euros out there this works out to be less than $10 AUD.

Please note that this version is region locked to Australia, New Zealand or Europe. Unfortunately our US buddies miss out this time. Also the link above is my affiliate link, if you buy through it I get a small amount of the purchase price at no extra cost to you. So any purchases made after clicking that link help keep me doing what I love!

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