Diablo 3: Bidding Tips – How to Know if a Bid is Real and What You Can Do with this Info [RMAH/GAH Guides]

26 Jun 2012 by ZiggyD, No Comments »

Bidding on the real money and gold auction houses on Diablo 3 is finally starting to become more popular as people hit the level cap and start looking for endgame gear. Bidding is a great way to get a bargain price on an item but some auctioneers are taking advantage of this notion by listing bid prices that look like someone else has bid on the item. In this article we look at a trick to know if an item has any bids on it and then what you can do with this valuable information.

Knowing whether an item has any bids on it can do a number of things for you. It can:

  • Let you know what people are willing to pay for certain items so that you can list your own items accordingly.
  • Let you know whether another person is bidding on an item so that you can prepare for a last minute ‘bid snipe’.
  • Help you avoid bidding on overpriced items by letting you know which bid prices are legitimate or not.

Check out the following video for exactly how you can identify if a bid is real or not.

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Using this technique you should be able to sell your items more effectively on both the real money auction house and on the gold auction house. It should also help you to spot those bargains and avoid those ripoffs.

Other Real Money Auction House and Gold Auction House Tips/Guides:

I hope this guide has helped. You can see more of my Diablo 3 content on my YouTube Channel ZiggyDStarcraft. Thanks for reading!

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