RL High Score is Happy to Welcome MackTen! So happy, that he’s giving away DotA 2 Beta Keys!

16 Jul 2012 by MackTen, 1 Comment »

Real-Life High Score is happy to welcome fellow YouTuber MackTen as a staffer to the website! MackTen currently operates a YouTube channel related to Diablo III, StarCraft II, and gaming as a whole. 

Hello, my name is Charles “MackTen” Cowan and I’m proud to finally be a part of Real Life High Score! I have been talking to ZiggyD for several weeks now, and I have been producing videos on YouTube since about this past February. If you are interested in my backstory, please check the “About” section of the website. At the moment, I am working on several YouTube miniseries. Two of the miniseries that I am currently producing are related specifically to Diablo III, and making money on the real money auction house. My weekly show “The Mailroom” responds to community questions, comments, concerns, complaints, and general feedback. My show “First Look in Five” gives a brief introduction to a new and unique title. For more information, please see my biography under the About section of the website!

However, let’s get down to real reason you are probably reading this article. You want to play the DotA 2 beta. Everyone wants to play DotA 2. Who doesn’t want to play DotA 2? So, I have two DotA 2 Beta Invites for one lucky individual! One lucky person out there, and one extremely lucky friend of this lucky person, will get to play the DotA 2 beta for free. The giveaway is a complete lottery, everyone has a chance to win!

So, if you didn’t catch the video above, all you have to do is: 

1. Follow me on Twitter @mackxten!

2. Send me a tweet telling me why you want the pair of DotA 2 Beta Invites!

3. Wait until this coming Wednesday to find out who won during this week’s episode of “The Mailroom!”

I’m going to write down every single twitter account that tweets me about the giveaway on separate pieces of paper, and I will then draw the winner out of a hat. I know, I’m just old-fashioned like that. However, I will check to see if you are a follower of mine on Twitter and if you aren’t… someone else will be playing your copy of the DotA 2 beta!

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One Comment

  1. ZiggyD says:

    I love the old fashioned approach! Good luck entrants.

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