Setting Up and Optimizing Hotkeys in DotA 2! Don’t Feed Noob! Episode 3

2 Sep 2012 by MackTen, 1 Comment »

After last week’s nearly 40 minute long episode I am proud to produce a very informative 16 minute clip regarding setting up and optimizing your hotkeys in Defense of the Ancients 2! 

Hello everyone, MackTen here. Per the request of a viewer from last week, this week’s episode of Don’t Feed Noob is all about configuring your hotkeys in an optimal way for DotA 2. In this video I explain why different hotkey setups have their respective advantages and weaknesses, and why its good to break bad hotkey habits, even if you’ve been using them forever. I spend a good bit of talking about the habits that the default hotkeys can get a new player in, and why it’s important to break these habits.

In the second half of this video, I talk about different control and gameplay options from within the DotA 2 game client and why you should have various settings enabled or disabled depending on which heroes you play and your personal preference. For a menu of various portions within the video, please see the video’s YouTube page.



Click here to watch this video on it’s YouTube page.


One Comment

  1. ZiggyD says:

    Sick episode. Cutting the time down but still keeping it packed full of content is impressive.

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