World First Diablo 3 Paragon Level 100 Achieved by Alkaizer the Barbarian

8 Sep 2012 by ZiggyD, No Comments »

World first paragon level 100 was recently achieved by a player named Alkaizer. What’s more impressive about this feat is that it was achieved completely legitimately and without botting or exploits. Alkaizer did exactly what you are supposed to do in a video game like Diablo 3; he found an efficient build, a brilliant farming route, and had perfect gear. He also spent a lot of time playing each day (unsurprisingly).

Here is the farming route he used to achieve level 100 quicker than anyone else:

  • Head to the Kill Azmodan and grab the checkpoint right before the fight. Leave the game to save your progress.
  • Log back in and clear the Core of Arreat back to the waypoint.
  • Waypoint to the Tower of the Damned and clear the top circle of level 1.
  • Waypoint to Arreat Crater level 2 and clear it.
  • Town portal and waypoint to the Bridge of Korsaikk. Clear the Fields of Slaughter.
  • Town Portal and waypoint to the Keep Depths level 1. Go straight to level 2 and clear it.
  • Town portal and log out.
  • Repeat.

If you want the same speed as Alkazier then you are going to need tenacity, some impressive gear and the fortitude to not pick up any rares at all. None. Alkaizer only picked up legendaries and set pieces, and only if they were easy to get to.

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