Why I am still cautiously optimistic about Diablo III, and you should be too!

4 Aug 2012 by MackTen, No Comments »

The RMAH is going slower than ever and numbers seem to be declining in the world of Sanctuary. People are constantly complaining about issues big and small, from latency to class balance. However, there seems to be some light at the end of the tunnel. 

So let’s face it: Blizzard is dragging it’s ass on Diablo III. The game was released extremely late and was, at the same time, not yet finished. However, through all of our complaints Blizzard seems to be making a serious attempt to try and pull itself together over Diablo III. New interface changes are coming, improved Auction House UI, and a larger pool of stats to choose from when searching for an item. My greatest hope is that these changes keep people playing our game, and encourage those who had give up to return and give the game a second chance, at least after PvP is released.

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