ZiggyD Interviewed by Tom ‘Pandamana’ – YouTube Success and Gaming

7 Aug 2012 by ZiggyD, 2 Comments »

G’day, ZiggyD here. I recently had the pleasure of being interviewed by Tom aka Pandamana for his YouTube channel.

I have been watching Tom’s content on his YouTube channel Pandamana for a few weeks now and I have been enjoying his intelligent, opinionated commentary on the video gaming community. Tom is is a bit of a similar mind when it comes to the gaming industry, not always in opinion, but in his approach to what he is passionate about. So when he asked if I would be willing to talk to him about my YouTube and gaming experiences I was more than keen.

I love to talk about what I do, the opportunity just doesn’t come up enough! We discuss my gaming experience, what we are playing now, creating content for YouTube and what we are looking forward to in gaming. Check it out below.

If you would like to check out Tom’s VLOG-style commentaries on the video game industry then you can do so on his channel Pandamana. He also does more personal VLOGs on his channel Manavlogs.

We might be doing some collaborative content in the future so if you have any requests for topics you would like to see discussed then send them to us via YouTube or leave them here in the comments!

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  1. hillloyd says:

    Deus Ex Quaestus

    Enjoy the show.

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