ZiggyD’s June YouTube Earnings and Strategy Report

3 Jul 2012 by ZiggyD, No Comments »

G’day and welcome to a new series of articles: ZiggyD’s YouTube Earnings and Strategy Report! 

In this series I aim to break down the wall of misinformation surrounding making an income on YouTube by openly sharing my month’s earnings through YouTube monetization. I will also share what I did in the month and how some of my general strategies are working out for me. I will be starting another series soon for more in depth discussion of strategies and for giving guides to things that I discover along the way. A ‘YouTube Success’ series, if you will.

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June’s Totals

In this first video I also talk about May’s earnings since I started the series a month late. Here’s how I closed out the second month (June) of my YouTube career:

  • 25 monetized videos uploaded.
  • 70,000 views in total.
  • 150 new subscribers.
  • $185.99 in Adsense revenue.

I’m very excited for this progress in only my second month of making videos!

I attribute a lot of my success in June to making timely, well-key-worded content for Diablo 3 around it’s release. Guides and discussions of hot topics performed the best and still continue to earn fairly well. I expect this growth to fall back down a bit now that Diablo 3 has been out for a while.

Goals for July

I launched the new channel: RLZiggyD on the very first day of July and I will be working on it a lot over the coming month. I expect things to slow down a bit because of the split effort between the two channels and because of the reorganization but I think this is going to pay off in the long run.

30 Videos / One Video a Day – This is going to be my bare minimum for uploads this month to both of my channels. If I don’t do this please chastize me for it. I think consistently putting out content is going to be a huge factor in growing my channels. Most of the content will be going to RLZiggyD, but I will try and get a weekly video to ZiggyDStarcraft.

$300 in Adsense Revenue – This was my goal in the video but I am beginning to think this may have been a little overambitious. Not that this is a bad thing, it is better to overreach and not quite make it then to not try for a hard goal. In order to make this total I would need to earn $10 a day. Although I might be able to do this by the end of the month it will take me quite a while to get to that daily amount. I think $7.50, or $225 for the month would have been a more attainable goal. I’m going to try for $300 though!

Collaborate and Grow Together!

If you are starting your own career on YouTube, or if you already have one going I’d love to talk to you! Leave a comment or otherwise contact me and we an collaborate on our efforts and discuss strategy. I’d love to eventually have a network of really cool and ambitious YouTubers working together to help each other grow.


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