How to Get the Best Deals in the 2012 Steam Summer Sales | When to Buy and What to Keep and Eye On

13 Jul 2012 by ZiggyD, No Comments »

The Steam Summer Sales are a huge event each year filled with excitement and copious amounts of impulse buying. Getting the best deals is halfway between a fine art and a gamble. Whatever you do, just make sure you don’t go crazy and buy everything  you want on the first day (like I have done in the past).

The way the Steam Summer Sale is set up is actually very clever: they build hype with impressive discounts and they encourage people to impulse buy with time limits. Here is the most impressive part however: the uncertainty of whether the current sale price is the best gets people very excited. There is no comparison in the gaming world, nothing else can burn people’s credit cards quite like Steam can.

So through all of this how do you know which are the best sale prices and which games are bargains? Well, there are a few rules to follow and things to keep an eye on if you want to make sure that you get the best bargain possible. In this video I take you through some of the tips I have picked up from past Summer Sales and I make a few speculations on the new features of 2012’s sale.

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Here are some highlights from the video:

  • If you want a game but it isn’t on the current daily deals then you should wait until the last day to buy it. The overall discount will not drop in this time and you could get up to 90% off if you wait for a daily deal.
  • Put games in your wish-list that you are keeping an eye on.
  • Pack deals aren’t likely to drop in price.
  • If you want 75% of the games in a pack you should buy it – if not wait for the games to go on sale themselves.
  • Keep an eye on flash sales and only pick up ones that are 66% off or higher.
  • Vote for the community choice discounts! 75% off a game of your choice.
  • Get the iPhone app and check the sales every 8 hours or so.

Remember to play the games you buy! It may seem like a silly thing to say but it seems like a lot of the games people buy just sit there collecting virtual dust.

If you want to see more videos like this then you can subscribe to my YouTube channel RLZiggyD. Thanks for reading and watching!

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