Welcome to RLHighscore!

12 Apr 2012 by ZiggyD, No Comments »

The official launch of Real Life High Score!

The site has been up and running for a little while already for testing but this post is the ‘ribbon cutting’ if you will. I also want this post to be a launching pad for new users to explore the site so it will give a bit of a tour and an explanation of what the site is, and what it hopes to achieve.

What is RLHighscore?

This site is about closing the gap between the gaming world and the world of personal development, or, the ‘real-life’ world.

Gamers or people who play video games aren’t really outsiders, they are you and me, your neighbours, your co-workers and your friends. They are average people brought together by a love of entertainment, learning and competition.

Real Life Highscore is made up of intelligent gamers who like to be successful in real life just as much as they like to be successful in video games.

From Our About Page:

“It is becoming more and more apparent that the skills learned through gaming can be applied to real-world problems. Gaming has the potential to teach people self-discipline, decision making skills, leadership skills and strategic problem-solving. Not to mention it does all of this while being incredibly rewarding and fun.”

What’s on this Site:

The Homepage

This is where all the action happens. New posts will appear here and you can easily navigate to each of the pages and categories using the different buttons at the top and right side of the page.

About Page

The about page has extra information on Real Life Highscore and it’s authors.

Contact Us Page

We love hearing feedback on the site. This page has a contact form that will easily allow you to get in touch with the site’s editors, all you need is an email address so we can reply.

Careers and Advertisers Information Pages

If you are interested in writing for RLHighscore or are looking to get your new game or product some exposure check out these pages.

Privacy Information

The privacy of our readers is important to us at RLHighscore, find out how we protect your information.

The Sidebar (Right)

To the right of the page is the sidebar. Here you can find a list of the most recent posts, the site archives and recommended links.

The Footer (Below)

At the very bottom of the page is the footer. This might change around from time-to-time but it usually includes an ‘about this site’ and some more recommended links.

I’d love to hear from you with feedback on what you think of the site so far, what we can do to improve and what type of content you would like to see here in the future. I want this to be a product of the desires of the community, not just my own. Share your thoughts in the comments below or contact us directly!

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